Yes, yes, I know. No product review yet. But I have a legitimate excuse! Several, actually!
Wanna hear them? Just know that when it DOES appear on this poor, neglected blog it will be fan-tab-u-lous and it will trigger a whole discussion of all things mommy-related. It will be a virtual blog frenzy of ideas, sharing, and opinions and everyone will garner useful knowledge for their current and/or future children. Hmmm...idealistic much Missy? (not really, because those of you who have hung anywhere near me in the last 4 yrs are well aware that I have earned the nickname "the cold, hard slap of reality"....precious, eh?)
So here's the list of excuses/what we've been up to:
My mother-in-law came to help for a week and spend time with Hania. It really was helpful and I'm glad she loved seeing Hania, but there is the pre-visit cleaning, the during-visit oh-my-gosh-do-I-look-like-a-good-enough-mommy stress, and cramming in as much work as possible before Hania has to come back to my office with me. But overall it was great.
* We had a
crazy snow storm and Louisville was totally unprepared to deal with it because they are under the impression that they are "the south". I'm all about "creating your own reality" and all that BS, but you can't deny latitude people! Face facts that you are the midwest, salt it up, plow it aside, and you can still have your mint juleps and big hats for Derby. Ok?
Johnny and I got to go out on a the gym. But hey, it's exciting to me! Even if we weren't together the entire time, we were still alone in the car together and could talk if we wanted to. But we didn't. Because we were too exhausted. Good thing we didn't get to see a movie, or someone might have caught us snoring!
Work is out of control. I was offered a promotion and of course they have no clue that I'm blowing out of there sometime this summer. They think I'm little Miss Career Girl but I simply cannot justify putting Hania in daycare for THIS specific agency. The plan is to take it despite the fact that I will have to travel to Bowling Green & Owensboro (each 2 hrs away) at least once a week. By the time I pay for our friend to watch her, that will take care of most of the money from the raise. On the upside, the title and pay will provide me with a better bargaining position when I reenter the work force in a couple years.
Our computer went berserk. Johnny has been working diligently to clean it up, and I am no help because I'm really quite idiotic when it comes to computers. He defragmented some files, updated the anti-virus software, and now it is somewhat fixed. I was going crazy when I couldn't post pics.
(and I still can't...I don't know if it is Blogger or our computer though)
On a fun note, we spent last Sunday evening with some friends and shared in their family night. It is a very special part of their church tradition to do one night a week where the family gets together, shares activities and enjoys a Biblical lesson that is tailored to the age of the children present. VERY COOL. They have 6 wonderful daughters and it is apparent that we can learn so much from them. And these folks can bake.... they sent us home with an obscene amount of delicious food that we enjoyed for a week. Their homemade, they are delish. I think I'm actually salivating. So wrong.
My parents sent an adorable Valentine's package for everyone, and of course we're always overjoyed to see how they spoil us next. Pictures to come.
Started drugging the dog. She is allergic to everything and her worst triggers are cats and bluegrass. We obviously have plenty of both. Poor Keira scratches herself silly all winter and chews bloody spots on her legs. We've done allergy testing and it would require me to give her a shot at least once a week, costing a grand total of $400 per month minimum. For those of you who've met Keira and seen her teeth, can you blame me for not wanting to give her shots? Instead she's been doing shots of children's Benadryl and it seems to work temporarily.
* Hania started rice cereal yesterday. She really enjoyed it and has already figured out the spoon. I was trying to wait until my parents come to visit next weekend, but after Friday at work became one long marathon feeding session all was time! At her 4 month checkup she got the standard shots and weighed in at 13 lbs, 4 oz and 24 1/2 inches. Our little girl is growing so quickly!
I was hoping that my photos would download by the time I was done typing my long-winded description about nothing, but alas, we'll have to wait another day to post them!
Sorry to anyone out there who wants their "Pooh fix"! I'll keep trying!