Saturday, August 30, 2008

I've got nothing, folks!

I know what you're thinking.
We haven't heard from her in almost a month.
Her last story was about the dude with the mullet in Kroger.
It all adds up... she must have gotten caught up in all his mullety-goodness and run off with him, never to blog again.

Fun story, but the real deal isn't nearly as interesting!

I'm just in a rut. Several factors, none of which are truly awful, just some things I need to work through without influence from outside sources. I want my blog to be authentic, but I didn't want it to turn into a rant or a pity party, and certainly didn't want to worry people with my absence. Actually, life is a lot more manageable without me staying up until 2am to blog, but I do miss it terribly and plan to return very soon. Life has been traveling so quickly for the past several years that recently I just looked up, took a breath, and was unable to recognize very much about myself anymore. I think it just freaked me out, plain and simple. That and the fact that for the first time in forever, I don't have a clear picture...AT ALL...of what my life is going to be like in the future. Deep breaths, just keep taking deep breaths. I'm a planner. I just need a little more time to wrap my brain around things.

Don't delete me from your blog roll just yet, folks! I just have to figure out how to get my groove back, and quick. Actually I have a plan. I'll call it the GMGB plan, as in "Gettin' My Groove Back". To be shared soon... in the meantime, I leave you with a cute Pooh pic. Because a little Pooh can really make your day sometimes.


WheresMyAngels said...

Wonder where you have been! See is so cute!

Caroline said...

Girl, I have missed you. What could take precedence over blogging? Totally kidding, you get your groove back, then get you butt back here to tell us all about it. We'll be waiting.

Jen said...

Oh don't worry, I will not delete you. I think that you are great. Sometimes life just catches up with us. I eagerly await your return. Glad for the little post though.

Unknown said...

Hey, we all get into ruts sometimes! Shit happens!

amy7252 said...

I totally understand where you're at, Missy. Been there before (might still be there, actually). Take your time. Your future will reveal itself in good time. It's just hard to wait and not know what that plan is going to be!!


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