Friday, June 27, 2008

Homemade Baby Food Tutorial

I have been promising this post for a while, right?
So WHY on EARTH, would anyone make their own baby food rather than using the neat little pre-packaged items from Gerber? Let me preface by saying that I'm not crunchy-granola Mommy. Although I want to learn how to make things from scratch, it just isn't in the cards right now. So brownie mix and protein bars are currently a staple in my cabinet.

Back to why:

1. I really like to know exactly what is in the food that we eat, and the idea of Hania eating baby food that was older than she was made me really nervous. Of course there are all kinds of vitamins in Gerber products, but have you tasted their meat combos lately? Bleeech! We have cut down significantly on the processed foods that we eat since I became pregnant, and I can tell a difference in the way that I feel. I'd like to start Hania out with that same premise.

2. It saves MONEY! All joking aside, if you know me in real life you are most likely aware that I am slightly CHEAP. Now I love giving gifts and my daily Starbucks fix will be difficult to give up, but I'm always appalled at how expensive our food bills are. When I started buying baby food every week, it finally occurred to me that the ingredients are the same things that our family already eats for daily meals. When you factor in the 10 for 10$ deals on frozen organic veggies, or super deals on items around holidays, it actually works! I'm participating in something called Frugal Tip Fridays, hosted by Sherri at Kaysville Momma. Go check it out every Friday for new frugal tips!

3. I am probably overcompensating for the fact that I closed the Breastaurant at month 5. I intended to breastfeed for much longer but stress basically but the kibosh on that plan! So yep, Mommy-guilt probably factors into this too. Doesn't it always?

4. Hania LOVES the combos we've come up with, and doesn't really like pre-made baby food that well any more. From what I've read, it is likely that if she is introduced to a wider variety of foods and spices early on, that she will be a less picky eater. Here's hoping!

5. Somewhere in the process it became FUN! And EASY! Just seeing my freezer stocked full of healthy, homemade baby food makes me want to do an interpretive dance of joy! See? I'm doing a piroutte into a grande jete, followed by tripping over a cat and falling down. That's how we roll around here.
If you look below, this is basically all you'll need:
ice cube trays
blender or food processer
annoyed looking cat (optional)
dirty dishes (optional)

No one accused me to being a photography genius, okay?

The directions are basically the same for every food:
Steam or boil any foods that are too hard to mash. Put it all in the blender and blend until you reach the desired consistency. Freeze in ice cube trays covered in wax paper, then pop out and store in freezer bags for up to two months.
Follow your pediatrician's directions on how soon to start certain foods, and always introduce new foods individually for 4 days to ensure that there is not a food allergy.

Of course Hania eats each of the individual fruits and veggies, but the combos are where it becomes much more fun. Here's a list of the various combos that we've done. We add yogurt or cereal to them to change the consistency. Hopefully it will give someone good ideas on how to spice up their baby food!

Mango peach blueberry
Mango pineapple banana
Blueberry pear (a favorite!)
Raspberry peach
Pumpkin applesauce
Pumpkin banana w/ cinnamon & nutmeg
Pumpkin peach
Avocado brown rice
Broccoli, brown rice & cheese (a favorite!)
Broccoli & chicken w/ curry
Green beans & white potatoes w/ oregano
Carrots w/ ginger
Carrots, beef & applesauce
Turkey, sweet potato & acorn squash
Turkey, apricot & brown rice
Chicken & prunes (a favorite!)
Sweet potatoes & lima beans (I know, gross combo...)
Spinach & chick peas w/ garlic
Cauliflower, chicken, chick peas w/ curry
Peas w/ mint
Red potatoes w/ rosemary
Zucchini w/ basil

Any other ideas for combos? I'd love to hear them!


Laura said...

"Breastaurant" hahaha.. seriously, where do you come up with this stuff? Hmm, I alwasys scoffed at making my own baby food, but you make is seem rather easy. Maybe I will give it a try when Nat starts eating solids. My breastaurant is still open for business.

Kimberly said... always crack me up! :) Sometimes I wonder what exactly it is that I am feeding Hania, but now I know! She always loves it...I just wonder sometimes! :) I think you are supermom. I know how busy you are and yet you still make her food!
P.S. How's Kierra?

Sherri said...

Good job!!! I did this when my son was a baby. It just gets easier when they can eat other foods!

Thank you for being part of the 2nd week of Frugal Tip Friday. Hopefully we will get more people on board soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just popped over here from SITS. I love the annoyed looking cat.

Krafty Kat said...

OMG! I can't stop laughing about your materials list. We get the same look when we crank up our blender. Of course, ours is usually making something stronger than baby food:)

Sleepless Sabra said...

Wow, impressive with the babyfood! Great job. I always tried to make some of my own but found myself lazier (or is it busier?) with each baby. Ha, ha! I think it's a really great idea though, I know exactly what you mean about wanting to know what's in our food.

Shel said...

I just glanced over here from SITS and wanted to say kuddos to you! I didn't come along the novel concept of making my own baby food until baby #3. Oh how I wish that I have with #1 & #2!! #3 is such a great eater now that she is on table foods. I truely enjoyed making her baby food even though it took a little more time initially - and I'm no crunchy granola Mom either. But IMO, it tastes SOOOOO much better than the jarred stuff. Again - kuddos!

Kimberly said...

I know! Don't you just LOVE Bakerella? I actually made some cupcakes, but they didn't end up looking so pretty. I didn't have the right cookie cutter b/c my nemesis, Wal-Mart, doesn't carry many of the cake decorating tools I am used to having at my fingertips...The cupcake pops DID taste good however...I'll upload some pics if I can make them pose nicely :)
I am going to have Schmonsees family withdrawls this week I think! I know you'll have fun out at your parents' though.
As for "shushing" I am not sure where my most recent encounter with that was, but its always been a pet peeve of mine. I think it may have been at my house actually...come to think of it...haha!
Anyway, blog buddies we will be for the next little bit. I guess we'll have to get used to this for the future! :(
Have fun! Give Hania a kiss for me!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Came over from SITS and must tell you that your Header is awesome! I love the design. I tried to make babyfood once. My daughter hated it. LOL... I kept trying and she kept spitting it out. I will never erase the horrors of blending a chicken breast in my blender. Kudos to you for such great recipes!

Jen said...

I made all my own baby food for the triplets. It was so easy and so much fun, I don't know why I didn't do it with my older son.
Now that they are a year old, there is not a fruit or a veggy that they will not eat. They have a taste for all kinds of good food. You keep cranking out the baby food.

Jenkins said...

I was sent your blog by a friend a few days ago and then you were the SITS of the day! I sent a question out a few days ago about making my own baby food and that is when my friend, SITS gal, sent me this post.
I am going to attempt making my own baby food. This is my third child, third boy and my first real attempt to make baby food. My 14 month old is severely handicap and not able to eat very well. He currently has a feeding tube but we are trying to get him to start eating things but I want total control of what he trys to eat and the consistency of what he eats. His feeding therapist suggested making our own baby food. For the most part we eat organic but already made organic baby foods do not offer much choice so I am hoping to stick with this!
Thanks for the info. I have printed it out for my tutorial.

amy7252 said...

OK, I'm all set to try this tonight ... I don't have a blender so I'm going to try the food grinder that Sabra gave me. Question, though: when you're ready to serve your concoctions to Hania, how do you thaw them out? Do you put them in the fridge for a while? Use the microwave? I hope Elle likes this ... I bought fresh blueberries and raspberries today, and they sure look good to me! ;)

Missy said...

In reponse to Amy's question about heating baby food:
If I have time I'll set out the cubes in containers in the fridge to feed her the next day, but most of the time I just pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds. I know "they" say don't microwave baby food, but using common sense works pretty well!
I really hope she likes it!
Oh, something I recently discovered: I was using the old Gerber containers to take the food on the go, but they are consistently leaky! I'm trying jars w/ screw on lids now.

Missy said...

In reponse to Amy's question about heating baby food:
If I have time I'll set out the cubes in containers in the fridge to feed her the next day, but most of the time I just pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds. I know "they" say don't microwave baby food, but using common sense works pretty well!
I really hope she likes it!
Oh, something I recently discovered: I was using the old Gerber containers to take the food on the go, but they are consistently leaky! I'm trying jars w/ screw on lids now.

Wilson Ramblings said...

How do you get the recipes or do you just come up with them? I can't get Nathan to get past the texture. He loves finger foods like the puffs, toast, and crackers, even diced fruits and veges, but he can't stand the texture of baby food. Is there a trick to getting it smooth? Thanks for your help!

sassy stephanie said...

I totally made baby food. Healthy option + cheap.

Sherri said...

Thanks for the link about Frugal Tip Friday!!!! Congrats on being featured!!

Just Lisa said...

My girlfriend is a huge fan of homemade babyfood. I always thought it was going to be more trouble than it was worth, but she had fun making it, and the baby loves it! I wish I had read your post when my daughter was a baby! I would have tried it out!

Tam said...

Congrats on the Feature today! This rocks!

Amy said...

Congrats on you Saucey blog day.

You have some interesting combos listed there. My youngest daughter would have loved these, she never really cared for babyfood, she wanted what we ate.

Rhea said...

I want to see that interpretive dance of joy! lol You're funny.

Great idea to make your own baby food. Sounds babies anymore here...uh, oh, hope I didn't just jinx myself.

Anonymous said...

Past this stage...but will definitely pass along this wonderful post to any new mommies!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Awee....this makes me want to have another baby again........or maybe it just makes me hungry!!!!!!

~*Paty*~ said...

This is a REALLY good idea!

Deanna said...

GREAT Post!! We're on "stage 1" baby foods with our little man and you've inspired me to do some pureeing this weekend! :) THANKS!

(came over from sits)

Michelle said...

I made my own babyfood with mister Man and Little Miss. Much of it was the same kind of things. But we also added avocado. She still LOVES it. It was great added to chicken. And sweet potatoes with any sort of meat was always a winner, too.

It's fun to see what they'll eat, isn't it? If only it stayed that easy!

Claremont First Ward said...

I really regret never doing this for my babies.

Unknown said...

I used to make my own baby food for my kids as well. Some of the combinations I made up, that the kids loved..

Peach, Apricot and creamed rice
Pineapple and creamed rice
Banana and creamed rice
Sweet potato, chicken and spinach
Carrots and apple
Creamed tapioca pudding with fruit

I'd make up a big batch of rice pudding (creamed rice) and add the other fruits. All freeze well, except for the banana one. I'd freeze a little plain rice pudding and add the mashed banana just before feeding.

angela | the painted house said...

I made babyfood for my third--wish I had known how easy, cheap, and tasty it is with my first two children.

We've been listening to a lot of new Coldplay...

Dawna said...

Came over from SITS and love your blog! Congrats on being featured.

We're just past the babyfood stage now and onto table foods, but we enjoyed homemade babyfood, too. One of my kids' favorites was brown rice, beef, and green beans. Everyone is right about making it easier to transition to real food and keeping your kids from being so picky. Great job, Super Mom! Keep up the good work!

Kim Heinecke said...

Amen sister! I can make baby food for pennies on the penny!

Great list of babyfood combos. I need to try some of those.


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