Thursday, April 17, 2008

Six Month Photos

Hania on the morning of her Six Month Birthday....April 11, 2008.

My mom used to wake me up by saying "It's time to start your happy day!!!" in a really loud, cheerful voice. I am not a morning person. This phrase still haunts me. Apparently Hania is, though, because this is how she wakes up every, single day. With a genuinely happy smile on her sweet little face! I might smile too, if I had slept for 9 hours and someone monitored my comfort using a video camera.

Below is Hania at the doctor's office, before her 6 month shots. She took them like a trooper and the office staff is great, but it still breaks your heart to see the real tears streaming down her face!

Daddy, why are you tickling me?

Some people say their infants are fussy or sleep all day after shots, but Hania was ready to play.
She has picked Crusoe as "her kitty". It is obvious that she focuses on him when he walks by, and reaches out to grab him, opening and closing her hands. He is the only one of our four cats (yeah, you read that right, we have a mini-zoo here. We might require a permit, but who's counting?) that would lay next to her when she was very little, and wasn't scared. She also has a "kitty voice" that is soft and gentle, as opposed to her her usual form of communication, which is screaming or screeching! Crusoe camped out in her laundry hamper and she thought it was hilarious. They played through the mesh bag for quite a while.

Anyone up for a tennis match?

Maybe this is why these two bonded... perhaps Hania's bottles remind him of his kittenhood. He and his brother Big-Tony-the-kitty-mob-boss (to be said with a Joisey accent, as in "fuhgeddaboutit!") were rescued from a foster home in October 2006. Crusoe was so pitiful and had to be bottle fed for several weeks. The foster mother was just planning to let nature take it's course and let coyotes eat them, but I couldn't let that happen. I also know that foster mom is a little nutso. As in, gave me a beautiful study Bible as a gift and then told me that I needed it more than anyone she'd ever met. REALLY? Apparently she doesn't get out much, because I'm pretty tame these days. Even better, she told the foster kids I was a whore b/c I wore eyeliner. LOVE. MY. JOB. The rewards are endless, I tell ya! Don't you know that I wore liquid eyeliner every time I went to their house after that? AND lip gloss for good measure, to show her who's boss! What a rebel.
I have a million funny foster care stories, but I won't relate them all at once because you would laugh so darn hard that you'd spit your coffee/soda/milk out of your nose. And I wouldn't want to be responsible for that. It is not modeling good behavior for your children.
Now I'm getting a little fired up thinking about this nasty lady, so I'm going to look at the cute picture of little bottle-fed kitty and count to ten! Pet owners have a decreased risk of heart disease, did you know that? If this is true, then Johnny and I should be so calm that we're CAT-atonic! Get it? Funny girl for late on a Thursday night!



amy7252 said...

Yep, I remember staying over at your house and hearing the "happy day" line the next morning ... didn't go over so well with me, either. Ha ha!

This blog cracked me up, but the best part was when I saw the picture of the baby kitty and the bottle and said "awwwww!" and then scrolled down to see that exact word typed below the photo. Too funny. Amazing that a eyeliner-wearing whore could come up with such good stuff (omg, PSYCHO lady!!!).

Krafty Kat said...

Love the baby kitty. How cute. You should send the link to you blog to the foster parent who cursed you with a barren womb! One of my all-time favorite inane foster parent nut-job comments.

Byerly grandparents said...

How funny to hear that you (and Amy)remember the "happy day" wake-up call. I think that one, along with the happy face I imprinted in your toast will have to go in your book of "things I will NEVER do to my daughter".

What cute picts of Hania and "her kitty". They are both adorable and both growing up much too fast.

Love you!


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