Friday, May 9, 2008

First Derby hat

Every girl has to have a Derby hat. Actually we are cheating and this is a sun hat that she received from the Easter Gator, but we have to be practical considering that this child will burn if the sun even thinks about shining on her. Giving me a fair-skinned, red-headed daughter must be God's way of playing a prank of my ex-sun-worshiping a#@.

How is this thing attached to my head?

I ask you, can she BE any cuter?

Maybe the dingo ate your baby...

I know, I know, super gross! Please don't call child protective services, I'd rather just self-report and be done with it! They owe me some favors anyway. I was focusing the camera and Hania was shrieking at the dog when Keira just ran up and laid one on her! I'd be lying if I said that did not happen on a daily basis...


Byerly grandparents said...

Welllll.....I have heard that kids who grow up with pets don't have allergies. Maybe Hania won't be allergic to dogs.

Laura said...

She is adorable. Where did that red hair come from? My dog likes to give Natalie kisses too. We try to re-direct the kisses away from her mouth, but she still sneaks them in.

WheresMyAngels said...

My husband would be the one to report you!! lol My poor MIL hardly ever got visits with my daughter while she owned a dog, course it was a Pit Bull but a sweet one.

Cute pictures.

Anonymous said...

HOW ADORABLE!! I wish so badly I would have had a little girl :( Sweet baby.

Kathi said...

What a sweet lil baby girl. The dog thinks so too. I'm sure the do is very protective of her. Kathi

Kitty said...

Babies and Puppies make me happy. You're lucky that you have two super cute little ones at home with you. Adoarable.

Mommy Meryl said...

There is nothing cuter than dogs and babies - especially when one is kissing the other! :-) I'm obviously a dog owner, so it doesn't gross me out. . .

Marie Reed said...

Sugar and spice and everything nice.. That's what little girls are made of!

Sheri said...

It's not gross . . . it's just his way of helping clean up!!!

Amy said...

Your babys cute and so is your dog. I have a big old kissing german shepherd myself.

Caroline said...

You know - they say (whoever they are) that dog's mouths are cleaner than human's mouths. Weird huh, considering they lick their nether regions and we don't!

KimmyJ said...

That is precious!!!!

Amy said...

Hello from SITS...precious baby!

Jill said...

Here from SITS! TOOOOOOOO adorable :)

Alicia said...

So cute! My girls do the same thing with our Great Dane.

Just another shout from a SITS girl!

Anonymous said...

Well I think that is an adorable picture!

EmBee said...

Oh, I love commenting while 'Music Box Dancer' plays... See how my fingers just dance across the keys! :-)

What a darlin' little face and that dog lick was probably induced to silence the squealing that way making the pups ears bleed.

Unknown said...

Well.. you save on kleenex that way :)

Lula! said...

Because I have serious issues, I have to ask...
I know where the Dingos Ate My Baby reference comes from. Do you? Was that on purpose? If so, please contact me so we can be BFFs. If not, I still think you're awesome and of course your daughter is super cute. Super.

S Club Mama said...

She is too cute! And my son is the same way with the sun. He gets about a gallon smeared all over whenever we go for a walk.

Rhea said...

That baby girl is so adorably cute that I can't stand it! And with the hat on, oh, you're killin' me. CUTENESS!!

ANd, I love the dog kiss/lick. lol SOOOOO sweet.

Jess NBP said...

oh man she's a cutie. LOL love the dog kisses.

LaQuintamomof3 said...

Here from SITS-
She is adorable! I am so glad that there are other moms who don't freak about the dogs and their lovin' on the kids.
My only problem is that my kids think everyone's dogs are as friendly as ours-- they just go up and put their arms, or other body parts into the dog's mouth.

-Bridget said...

I'm sure she's done worse to the dog.

The Doctors Wife said...

I love candid photos! so cute.

Melanie Dickens said...

Hey they say Dogs mouths are cleaner than humans so she's way better off than she will be in say oh 10-12 years. Haha!!

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

Just adorable!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I cannot tell you how many outfits I bought for my girls when they were little because there was a matching hat. Not that mine would ever keep said hat on. But they were soooo cute. We needed that strap.

Cristin said...

I wish my little one would keep a hat on... even with the strap she gets the blasted things off in 5 seconds!

Heidi Rogers said...

She is so cute!! I love her smile, that made my day.

Melissa said...

Bless you for getting a hat on your beautiful baby! My girls just rip 'em off! I, too, have a redhead, a strawberry blond head, and then a blondie (?). We're not where she came from...
Can't wait to

Amy said...

That is sooo cute. Her face is so precious! I love that she left the hat on..good one.

Anonymous said...

Your page is so pretty! ;)

I have two red haired fair skinned "babies" and they don't even look out the window without getting SPF'd with 30+ LOL

Anonymous said...

She is soooo cute! My little guy has to wear a hat whenever he goes out because he is as bald as the day is long!

And yeah, I ussed to freak out about the dog kissing the baby, but now? What can you do? It is actually pretty cute! And I'm pretty sure CPS is gonna come after me for how my kid watches TV instead...

Simply Stork said...

yup...cant go wrong with dogs and babies :o)


Unknown said...

You have such an adorable baby, I don't blame Keira from wanting to give her doggy kisses.

Both my dogs are very protective of babies and little kids and will love them to death if the baby/little kid stays still long enough!

Monogramchick said...

What's better than puppy dog kisses?! So cute :)

Jennifer P. said...

If that baby is selling that hat--I'd buy it :)!

Now I'll have to read your post on Jason Mraz--I like the sounds of him!

Jen said...

So much cuteness!!!

Congrats on being featured SITS mama!

Finding Normal said...

So cute!

Cara said...

My dad always said a dog's mouth was cleaner than a human's. I'm not sure how true that is considering they lick themselves.
Your little girls is sooo cute, especially in that hat.

Sunshine said...

Oooooh...*kisses*! I love it! I totally want a red-headed little puddle of love! She is ADORABLE!

I completely love your blog! It is so *cute*! I love all the butterflies!

Happy SITS day!

Mama Dawg said...

That's actually very sweet!

Merrie said...

ComPLETEly adorable. Congrats -- you do good work there. ;)

Shel said...

Too cute! Aleast you know doggie loves her!!!

Anonymous said...

wow - the dingo reference woke my butt right up! I had that "coffee almost went thru my nose" moment. warn a sleepy girl before you crack her up, eh? LOLOL!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the SITS!

She is adorable...and I love the hat!

Gina said...

Hey, SITSter, cutie baby! Gotta go wash my mouth now. Just gagging over those dog kisses.

Anonymous said...

Terribly cute; even the smooch! :)

Hey, the Word Verification is "igyfu!" Perfect for your baby/wet kiss post!

angela | the painted house said...

Nothing like a girl's first kiss.

Your blog design is so adorable!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby! And that sweet dog? Awww!

Nichole said...

i raced over from SITS to see the derby hat. welcome to red head ville! we worship sunblock nowadays

Party of 5 said...

Awe puppy love. Such sweet innocence. Adorable both of them.

Anonymous said...

I love it...your baby is sooo cute! Love your Jason Mraz song. I have one of his songs on my blog too on my about page.

katylinvw said...

how precious! (i love the easter gator, too! tee hee!)

KatBouska said...

So sweet.

The baby's cute too.

Melissa Lester said...

Now that is love!

Sherri said...

Cute Cute cute!!! Happy featured day!!

Suzanne's Blog, Jane's Blog said...

She is a cutie. Great photos. (Jane's Blog)

Unknown said...

Good stuff. Babies and dogs. Dogs kissing babies, all too hilarious. I love that picture! :D I think that is right that the more you introduce your baby to things like, dogs, cats, dirt, flowers etc. The less they are suseptable to those sorts of things :D Good luck with child services!

Laural Out Loud said...

Love the Seinfeld reference!

And that is one helluva kiss- looks like she got some tongue!

Maggii said...

Awwww...too cute....loved the last pic.

Alison said...

She is an adorable baby!

Michelle said...

I fully believe that the traits our children have are karmic payback for the way we were when we were younger. Of course, that really makes me wonder what my husband did to make Little Miss the way she is....

Congrats on being featured, and good luck with the sunburning!

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

Such great pictures. Actually the picture with the dog will be one you cherish forever. BTW, I'm a SITS sista checking in.

AFRo said...

Congrats on being the Featured Blogger today!!! I'm always late, you'll have to excuse my tardiness.

That's an adorable baby girl though!

Tena said...

Sweet baby girl, she is stunning!!! Congratulations on being featured over at SITS!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous baby. Dog kisses don't worry me as much as the other end.

Anonymous said...

how funny is that last photo of her getting sweet doggy kisses!! love it! Congrats on your featured blogger status!! :)

Anonymous said...

Cute baby, but grody to the max on the dog kiss! :)

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Easter Gator?

Laura said...

Adorable! And the pink & green hat is too precious.

Jacki McHale said...

I SO have those pictures! I have two boxers and when my daugter was about 7 months old she was in her saucer and I went to snap a picture of her, I got lots of dog kissy pictures instead! I thought my mom was gunna barf!

I must ask who is the Easter Gator? I think I love the idea already!

Great blog~

SITS sister

Anonymous said...

How adorable! Gotta love hats. Wish I could wear them.

StitchinByTheLake said...

One of my babies was red headed - I feel your pain with the sun thing! Blessings, marlene


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