Monday, May 12, 2008

Talk Derby to me

Get it? Like the Poison song circa 1987? I can't take credit for this little pun; it is the saying on a popular t-shirt that is sold in KY around Derby time. It tickles me to see little kids wearing this shirt because they have absolutely NO idea what is so funny about it, but their parents probably do. Also tickles me because I was only about ten when the song came out. What does NOT tickle me is that poor Bret Michaels has to do a reality tv show to find his "Rock of Love". And who the hell says something "tickles them"? I have been in the South too long.

Here are overdue pics from the Derby party that we went to last weekend in our neighborhood. Now this is not the first time I've posted about our awesome neighbors, and some of your are probably going to want to barf hearing about it again, but we got LUCKY moving here! Once warm weather arrives there are always at least 2-3 families hanging outside after work every evening. Which makes it really easy to get to know everyone, and I swear that they are some of the most genuinely nice people I've ever met. Their advice and support throughout pregnancy and the first 7 months has been so valuable!

This is Debbie. She and her husband Roxie are brave for hosting the Derby party. She is soliciting funds to repair the impending damage to her home. Kidding! She organized the betting for each race and had great prizes for each win, place and show, as well as games and race-related toys for the kiddos. Not to mention tons of food. My contribution was supposed to be a double chocolate pound cake, however Miss Bad Dog decided that she didn't think we needed the entire cake so she ate the half closest to the edge of the counter. There is no photo evidence of this event, which is probably for the best. I turned into a raving lunatic for about 10 minutes.

Betting can be somewhat complicated. Gina and Julie are checking out the stats before placing a bet. (ummm, I feel like I'm writing captions for the jr high newspaper or something! sorry!)

Jenny is taking up bets for "last place" in the final Derby race. What's up with the light half/dark half of her face? Is that good vs evil? She is trying to convince Rochelle that she could win big if she picked the loser out.

I normally don't post pics of people's children without their permission, because not everyone is comfortable with their pics floating around the blogosphere. Personally, as a social worker, I'm freaked out by the general public every time I leave the house, so the internet is the least of my worries. Anyway.... this is Mr. Jenny with their youngest child. This is his alias, of course.

Jen, Erin and Rochelle.
If you want the straight scoop on parenting, ask Jen. She might have been the only one who was honest and was willing to discuss the good and the bad. Thanks, Jen. You are a true Northerner, and I appreciate that about you! Thankfully, some of your poop stories will not apply because I have a little girl. Right? Just humor me and say yes.
On a side note linking back to Bret Michaels, Erin and her husband watched Rock of Love with us every week for the past two seasons. Sometimes you have to tell on other people to make yourself feel better, ok?

Mr. Erin, Mr. Julie, Mr. Missy & Mr. Jen. All aliases. To protect their superhero identities, of course. They just finished cornholing. Yes, that is a verb here in Kentucky. Mr. Erin owns some cornhole boards. Mr. Missy and I had never heard of this game until we moved here... Apparently we totally missed this developing phenomenon while living in Georgia and Texas.

Jen attempts to protect Debbie's itty bitty dog from the children hopped up on my chocolate cake. (Clarification: I did NOT serve them the part that the dog ate off of. I did, however, cut the part she didn't eat into 1/2 inch slices to salvage it. Understandably, many of you will never eat from my kitchen again.)

Mr. Erin says "dang, you weren't kidding when you said she had a tooth!"

And the grand finale:
The party ended with one of Debbie and Roxie's children ordering a pay-per-view porn. Whoo-hoo! This little guy was flipping channels around to see the available movies, and accidentally ordered a $10 version of "Topless Girls on Bulls". He wasn't even sure that he'd done something wrong until every adult in the room gasped simultaneously. THEN he knew he'd done something fabulously naughty! Julie raced over and tried to cover up the tv, and the rest of us hollered for his parents to help us figure out the remote. Meanwhile, the actors and actresses on the film were "talking Derby" to one another. Looks like everyone caught the Derby spirit!


Byerly grandparents said...

Miss, you are a riot!!! The pictures and the narratives of the Derby party are priceless. Dad and I laughed so hard! We especially enjoyed it since we know all of your wonderful, fun neighbors. Their "alias" can't protect them. Sounds like Debbie and Roxy had one great party!
Mom & Dad

Scott, Victoria, Hannah and Caleb said...

What great neighbors you have! We used to have several great neighbors with kids, but they all moved away within a month. It was pretty sad.

We need to come back and visit again!

amy7252 said...
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amy7252 said...

Awesome -- I can just imagine the frenzied anti-porn parent scramble (complete with slow-motion "No-o-o-o-o-o!!!"s). OK, actually, it was probably the moms. The dads were probably like, "Hmm. Look at that."

Whenever I think of Talk Dirty to Me, I think of a scene from Scrubs where Carla and Ted are fulfilling a patient's request to hear that song once a day -- when they aren't allowed to play the actual song, they sing it a cappella:

Heather said...

I have to comment right this very minute because I've watched every. episode. of. every. season. of Rock of Love!! Instead of Derby parties, we have Rock of Love parties with our neighbors...well, the girls watch the show while the guys do...whatever they do.

Yeah, and I WAS NOT 10 when this song came out, but that's okay. I was still almost 10. Kind of.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and your VERY sweet comment. You made my whole day. I'm sooooo glad you decided to de-lurk so I could come find your adorable blog. I'll be back!


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