My parents drove 11 hours from Texarkana to spend the weekend with us, and it was wonderful to see them, as usual. It was especially nice to be with my own mama on my first Mother's Day.
Saturday we spent the day doing two of my favorite activities: #1 hiking, & #2 eating.
I can't believe that we haven't taken a trip to Bernheim Forest sooner! My gosh, it was a gorgeous expanse of land located just about 20 minutes south of our house. And to think I've driven past it at least 2 times a week for the past 2 did we not make the effort? There are a wide variety of hikes, educational exhibits and information on renewable resources. We decided to start with a short hike because Hania is new to this whole hiking business, and we weren't sure what she would think.
The fam of 3 in front of the visitor center. Can you see the grass planted on the TOP of the roof? To check out how/why, click here.
A friend of mine was recently asking about which baby carrier people prefer, and my favorite is the Ergo. My mom discovered this one and it was a life-saver on our first plane ride. I felt like it protects and supports her well enough without compromising her ability to look around and interact with her environment. It did not, however, protect our fellow flight passengers from being assaulted with her stuffed bunny "Ittybit" that she was waving wildly. She's much older and wiser now, and wouldn't dream of pulling that stunt again. But now she has non-breastmilk poop, so I think that we'll be assaulting other passengers' senses in other new and exciting ways! Part of my mother's day gift from Johnny is a Kelty. I cannot wait to use it, there are so many exciting features and it will be good for longer and more rugged hikes. Daddy did good!
After the hike we went to Lynn's Paradise Cafe, which is known equally for their amazing southern food and horrifically tacky decor. You can't fully see in this picture but absolutely nothing matches, there is a tree in the middle of the restaurant with colorful kites hanging off of it, and mannequin legs in brightly colored tights adorn the wall above the booths. The exterior has such tasteful delights as a tall concrete kitty, silk flowers stuck into the window boxes, and a bear dressed like Elvis. But the food is amazing! As my mom says "This is a Missy-place". A little "off" but the substance makes up for the exterior of silliness, right? They are famous for their hot browns and they were indeed delicious! I think I enjoy this place so much because it reminds me of so many of the restaurants in Austin, TX. Ya'll know how I feel about Austin.
Good people, please help me out. What on earth is wrong with me? I am normally a mild-mannered new mother that is basically an introvert until I reeeealy get to know someone. What possesses me to hop atop a fake cow at any opportunity and pretend to ride it? Seriously, there is a pattern here. Maybe there is a 12-step program for this affliction.
See the time line below to assist me in figuring out where this all began:
1977-1995 Born and raised in Mexico, Missouri. Live in a rural area but parents are not farmers. My dad plants a mean garden and taught me how to fish, my mom can cook anything and has a green thumb, my granny makes strawberry preserves. That is about as country as it got. We don't even listen to country music. Didn't raise rabbits or sheep for 4-H. One dance recital I'm forced to dance to the song "Achey Breaky Heart" and feel deeply ashamed that I secretly love the song. I am officially a "country-poser".
1996 One summer during college I go to a country bar and decide that riding the mechanical bull is a good idea. Apparently this is a hidden talent waiting to be unleashed and I am cheered on by a bar full of drunk cowboys.
1997 Another summer during college I have a job babysitting 3 rowdy children that actually live in a real farm. With real animals. That scare the crap out of me. One day I venture into the pen (or is it enclosure? fenced-off area?) and get chased by a bull. Maybe it was a cow, but either way it was big, and fast, and didn't want me there. Decide I'll stick to the mechanical version.
1998 Junior year spring break in Cancun. Another mechanical bull experience, but this time alcohol is involved. And there are girls there who are far more experienced in riding things than I am! I'm thrown off pretty quickly and land at the feet of the one guy that I was really hoping NOT to see in Cancun...with my dress around my waist. Klassy with a K.
1999-2007 Reside in some pretty "country" locations (Texas, Georgia & Kentucky) but manage to suppress my country-poser instincts until I see my husband riding one of these, mowing the church lawn. Yowza. Yes, to quote the song, I think his (or the church's) tractor is sexy. The virus spreads quickly this time, and soon I am listening to country music again, more comfortable on foster home visits that involve chickens running around my car, and find myself dreaming of living on more than 1/8 of an acre of land. Which leads us the present time, and my propensity towards "riding" concrete cows.
The first step is admitting that you have a problem, no?
Poohma and Poohpa posing with Miss Wonderful.
Mommy posing with Miss Wonderful and the gorgeous flowers that my parents gave me for Mother's Day.
"Nekkid" 7 month old baby!
Clothed 7 month old baby!
Hope that everyone had a fabulous Mother's Day! More pics to come...
I was cracking up reading this post!
This was a GREAT post!! Okay, and I love the nekkid baby picture. Not because I'm a weirdo, but because I'm a mommy who appreciates a good nekkid baby.
You went to a bar and rode a mechanical bull in college!?!
REALLY funny post.
I came over through Mindless Junque.
Your bull riding timeline is hysterical.
Adorable blog, great song choice! I'll be back.
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