Friday, June 6, 2008

A week of "firsts"

We've had a big week around here. Lots of "firsts" for both Hania and her parents.

First time sitting in her "big girl" chair to read a story before bed time. Compare the photo at almost 8 months above, with the one at 5 days, below.

First time Hania's kitty, Crusoe, joined us for story time before bed.

First time that we noticed she is consistently sleeping on her side. And always with her caterpillar rattle and one of her bunny friends. She bunches them up in her arms before drifting off to sleep.

First time she went to the in-house day care center at the gym. We only had 30 minutes left by the time we were done doing the long and drawn-out drop off. Hania was just fine but her Daddy and I were the ones who were worried!

First time receiving a bump on her head (and the subsequent ice pack) that was Mommy's fault. Apparently dancing around and singing doesn't work when the baby has learned how to throw herself backwards. (She's fine, just a good solid 3 min of tears.)

First time going to Coldstone Creamery. Yes, this DOES count as a milestone! Especially when going with the entire Andersen family. That alone makes it an event/party!

First time eating Cheerios. She has progressed to doing the pincher grasp using her left hand, and always transfers the Cheerio to her left hand before placing it in her mouth.

First time eating meat. I made homemade baby food combos of chicken/broccoli/curry and turkey/acorn squash/sweet potato and she adores them.

Our little auburn haired girl is changing every day!


Debbie said...

And then you are gonna turn around and she will be turning 8 like my daughter just did. Or turning 6 like my son will be in two months. BOO HOO! Sometimes I miss that age, then I realize the freedom I have now...But I do get wistful about it on occasion. Enjoy and soak it all in!

amy7252 said...

What a cute nursery! And wow, does that cat remind me of Mitty...

Schmonsees grandparents said...

Pics make me wish to just cuddle that "big girl!" Her personality is so apparent in each of her milestones, isn't it. She is experiencing foodstuffs in a delightful way; kudos to you.

It's good to know you can use your gym more like you wished to do. Would love to have observed her - and you two on that occasion!


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