Today I am grateful that Hania is adjusting to the play room at the gym. Seriously. I thought I was going to lose my mind, continually dropping her off so she could cry pitifully for 45 minutes, while I did a half-hearted workout feeling extremely guilty. Do most parents cry on the treadmill? No? Um, okay.
Somehow, it clicked this week and she is good to go! No tears! Not even one! I'm grateful that my last excuse for not working out has been stripped away. The pool will be open soon and running after a toddler near water doesn't leave you much time or opportunity to obsess over cellulite or jiggly parts, thankfully. But just in case, I'll hit the gym!
I'm signing off for a week or so due to computer issues, but by the time I'm back online I will have:
had a visit from my parents
driven Keira to her new home, and met her lovely new family
successfully (I hope) driven 11 hrs with Hania by myself
given thanks to God for portable DVD players & Laurie Berkner cds
purged the house of all rummage for a big sale
reorganized all of our pics on the computer
spent more time at the library story time, Gymboree, and local parks than I care to add up
Wishing you a fabulous week filled with opportunities for gratitude!